The word I speak is the being I hold in my hands (Thomas Moore)

Hommes de Parole Foundation, organizer of the World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, - Brussels, Seville, Paris...

You are a well-known participant in interfaith dialogue, and have supported or participated in at least one of the World Congresses of Imams and Rabbis for Peace (Click on the link to watch the video).

At these meetings you all promised that, were a major political event to occur, all of you in attendance - religious leaders, men and women of faith and conviction, peace activists - would express yourselves "together" on the situation. 

In the extreme gravity of the current situation, peace is no longer in the hands of mankind alone. It is also in the hands of God. We need to ask the Almighty to guide us, to guide our political leaders and officials on the path of peace, for it has become very difficult today for human beings to succeed on their own. But if people do all they possibly can, God will guide us so that we may move forward on the road to love, compassion, mercy and peace. 

Being aware that we are all concerned, making peace within ourselves and praying, observing, meditating, organizing actions of brotherhood around us - these are actions that believers of all religions and spiritual traditions can take. These are the actions that religious leaders can ask of their followers around the world. Then the All-Merciful One will guide our steps on the paths of Peace. 

We are in dire straits today. You need to intervene by using the influence you received because you are a man/woman of faith, and by mobilizing the strength of the Spirit for peace. Hereunder we propose a forum that we feel is acceptable to people of all feelings.

We hope you will agree to sign it. After being signed it will be sent to all the media and social networks. 

We would also ask you to forward this press release (see next page) to all your followers, so that they too can sign it and pass it on to others. It will be a way for them to take concrete action. 

At this critical moment we are convinced that knowledge of your united position will help de-escalate the situation and put us back on the road to peace. Moreover, it will enable a great many people to express their humanity.

For the Hommes de Parole Foundation

alain michel

Because of the present situation, it is urgent for us to convene the 4th World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace attended also by experts and Christians, as in previous congresses. The time has come to welcome people of all beliefs and religions to this highly important meeting, including agnostics and atheists.

Thanks to its true neutrality, the Hommes de Parole Foundation, which has already brought religious leaders from a great number of countries together three times, is probably, considering the present situation, the only entity now that is in a position to bring them together again.

As soon as the logistical, material and political conditions so allow, – and we hope it will be,  – we will ask you to participate and contribute. We will be contacting you.

Watch the video of our past Congresses.

World Congress of Imams and Rabbis
for Peace

World Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace - summary

Congrès Mondial des Imams et Rabbins
pour la Paix à Séville

Présentation Hommes de Parole