The word I speak is the being I hold in my hands (Thomas Moore)

The Hommes de Parole charter reaffirms the values we wish to uphold


Hommes de Parole (Homme étant l'Humanité) is a Swiss non-profit foundation based in Geneva, founded by Alain Michel in 2001.

It considers spirituality as the essence of life. It is independent and does not belong to any movement, confessional, political, philosophical, ideological or economic structure. It works above all to renew and develop dialogue between people. Its objective is to act through fraternity on the causes of conflicts and the main problems of our time in relation to the future of the planet and peace in the world.

To do this, it organises actions, events and meetings.

It develops the communication and information that each Human Being needs to act, if he or she so wishes, on the future of Humanity.

In full respect of its charter, it uses all existing means of dissemination and technical possibilities, including economic ones, allowing it to achieve its objectives.

It is a bridge between people and the various political, religious and economic powers.


The ethics of the Hommes de Parole Foundation are based on the words of Thomas More:

"The word I speak is my whole being in my hands", which is its main foundation.

Believing in man is also believing in his word.

Establishing and developing dialogue, whatever the conditions, requires an ever deeper knowledge of what man is beyond his differences, in order to better respect them in the search for justice and peace.

In all its actions, Hommes de Parole wants to be an instrument and a platform for dialogue at the service of all, allowing meetings, exchanges and information, even in extreme conditions, which implies an effective, professional, fully human and respectful commitment to populations in all their diversity, whatever the conditions encountered.

To make one's word a unity with oneself is to give it a creative power of extraordinary power. It means committing oneself to a path of exemplarity that contributes to the transformation of the world. The men and women who have become one with their word have profoundly marked history.

To free the word is also to renew the dialogue. We do not exist without others and the constant rediscovery of this total interdependence obliges us to confront our differences and disagreements, to go beyond our individual interests in order to build together models that ensure the collaboration of all, in the fulfilment of each one.

Giving a voice means sharing experiences, opening one's point of view to the complexity and humanity of situations, without taking sides, without judgement, without preconceived and stereotyped ideas. It means giving as many people as possible the opportunity to gain a deeper and more personal understanding of conflicts, global issues and the reality of certain situations on the ground; it means listening to the diversity of views and building one's own vision.


A life is unique, irreplaceable and priceless

Every human life is, as such, uniquely valuable, and there is no hierarchy between lives.

Our commitment begins with the realisation that we can do something for one life as well as for 1000.

To believe that a life is unique is to believe that man is greater than the situation that oppresses him. It is also to believe, even when it is not visible at first sight, in the presence and power of Beauty, in its capacity to transform the world.      

What we do for others, without others, is against others

Hommes de Parole, believing in the essential dignity of the human being, will do its utmost to give back to individuals who are momentarily deprived of the possibility of expressing themselves, of dialoguing, of meeting each other, thus helping them to find their own solutions to the problems and pressures which crush them, including the forces which exploit them.

Apart from situations requiring an immediate reaction, the actions of Hommes de Parole will be decided and determined in consultation with the people and populations concerned, and this within the framework of their needs, desires, culture and will. This consultation will not be limited to the stage of reflection and identification of needs, but will continue in the concrete realisation and execution of actions.

The end does not justify all the means, the end is already in the means

The more devious means are used to achieve an end, the further away the end becomes.

The means used must intrinsically convey the very meaning of the action and its purpose. Under no circumstances, even for very serious reasons, can evil be done in order to achieve good.


The members of Hommes de Parole all share the same certainty, that good can be stronger than all the evil in the world.


Hommes de Parole has chosen the path of independence and will in all circumstances maintain its character as a private voluntary commitment:

  • by its financial independence
    from international, religious and political institutions, governments and donors.
  • by its political independence
    both from personalities and political parties.
  • by its independence from any ideology; by its non-confessional character
    while accepting the convictions and personal commitments of each member, which can be expressed in total mutual respect. These differences contribute to the richness of the foundation.


  • with regard to the beneficiaries of Hommes de Parole actions
    Hommes de Parole undertakes to intervene with the greatest respect for individuals and populations, by listening to them, by ensuring that their dignity is maintained, and by integrating them as active partners in programmes that are decided upon jointly.
  • with regard to the principals
    Hommes de Parole undertakes to be a responsible partner, guarantor of the actions entrusted to it and bearer of a common dynamic.
    Hommes de Parole is committed to total transparency and the greatest financial rigour.
  • with regard to volunteers, members, employees
    Hommes de Parole undertakes to respect and take into account personal motivations and initiatives within the framework of the Foundation's objectives.
  • with regard to donors
    Hommes de Parole undertakes to seek the best use of donations received and accepted, whatever their size, and to guarantee their fair use.


Each member of Hommes de Parole, permanent or not, salaried or volunteer, has chosen to join the Foundation to participate in the achievement of its objectives within the framework of the principles set out here.

Participation in Hommes de Parole activities implies full acceptance of this Charter.